Friday, June 7, 2013

"The sound that goodbye makes" by Whitney Campbell

I never have liked the sound that goodbye makes. That word sounds so serious, so formal, so permanent.

The memories that I've made at the school will forever hold a place in my heart. The hospitality, the food, the smile on a child's face, and the sadness I felt today when hugging my students for the last time. Not only did my students amaze me, but I amazed myself. I've never been one to become attached quickly - but Chile' has changed me. For the better, I believe.

I feel so blessed to have had this experience. Coming into this trip, I wasn't quite sure what I'd take out of it. Would I walk away with an entirely new perspective on teaching? On life? Or would I get back to the United States, unchanged?

The answer is so clear to me now. The people of this city have stolen my heart, and I've earned a place in theirs.

5th grade threw a surprise party for Lorin and I!

My amazing teacher, Carla
 I promised the students that no matter how far apart we were, I would always be able to talk to them and keep in touch. I gave all of them my e-mail and told them that we could be friends on Facebook. I had 20 friend requests within the hour.

A student of mine!
Just because I'm not with them in person doesn't mean I can't continue to teach them!

I've walked away from this trip with a new outlook on things. I view my profession in an entirely different light now. I've learned just as much from these children as they've learned from me. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with all of my students from the school, as well as my teacher.

The sound that goodbye makes is an eerie one. My class decided that there is no reason to say goodbye.. but "talk to you soon" - because I will talk to you soon, Thomas Jefferson School. Very soon. 

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